The Legend of imDOPERthanyou…

12 05 2010

Yup, I caved in and started a blog. Watch out world, Brett Everette Bowers has an open forum to express his thoughts, ideas and beliefs. (You should lock your children up and hide your white women while you still can!) People always speak about how the freedom of speech is a giant responsibility…as someone who has an aversion to all things responsible; I feel like this blog will help in my maturation as a person and be a small step towards me taking responsibility for things that I may shy away from.

So I could do a classic little introduction about me and what’s currently going on in my life but that’s a bit cliche. The more you read my blog post and keep up with me those blanks will be filled in for you. (Like a girl on prom date, I can’t give you ALL the goodies the first night….as I thought of that, three girls that I know that did get pregnant popped into my head. Smh!) So stick around and bear with me as hopefully you will see me grow as a person from blog to blog. (That sounded corny!) I garauntee that everyone at some point may disagree with my views and opinions on things but I challenge you to call me out or question the things that I may say that you may not agree with. I feel like healthy conversation is always better than someone being upset over something and not adressing it. Enough of that and on to a topic.

 So I’ve been asked serval times about my use of “imDOPERthanyou”…and I’ve never really given an answer. I figure this is a good time as any to talk about that. A lot of peole assume that be cause I am a confident….okay borderline arrogant individual that I just picked that name to further perpetuate my ridiculously sized ego. What’s funny is that is the furthest thing from the truth.  To be completely honest here is how I got the name.  I had a girlfriend back in 2005/2006-ish by the name of Rebecca (Rebecca if you happen to be reading this I hope you’ve caught the clap or some sort of other painful STD…..just kidding, kinda.) Rebecca had as her MySpace domain name (yes I said MySpace) rebecca_is_definitely_dope. To me that was one of the many things about her that sort of got my feelings all caught up in her…but I digress….anywho, fast forward about six months, she cheated on me and well the rest is history. Come to find out that little Miss Rebecca was a social networking stalker after her and I broke up. So in a petty, spiteful kind of way I changed my domain name as imDOPERthanyou, as a slight to her. I never found out if she ever got the “joke” nor do I care. But the name sort of stuck with me and I like it. So when you see me use imDOPERthanyou, don’t take it as a personal slight against you…just sort of chuckle and shake your head at the siliness (and apparently pettiness) of Brett Bowers.  On that not I’m out….
