Baggin’ Saggin’ Barry

18 05 2010

Hello world….how’ve you been? Before I go any further with this blog I would like to apologize for the horrible grammatical and spelling errors in my last blog. I was kinda in a rush and spell check was not a high priority. The educated negro that I am was completely embarassed about it, especially after it was brought to my attention (What up Maria!?!) Alright enough of that….

So since the Cavs are out of the playoffs, my TV watching has dramatically decreased. I’ve been working, cupcaking and generally trying to get my life together. Plus a majority of television sucks in my opinion. (Also they cancelled Heroes…WTF!?!?) So to pass the time I was YouTubing old epsiodes of “All That”…if you have no idea what “All That” is please hit Alt+F4 right now. For the six of you that probably just hit Alt+F4…(dummies)…”All That” was the 90’s equivalent to SNL for kids. It aired on Nickolodean on Saturday nights during “SNICK”…it’s where Kennan (from SNL) and Kel (what is he doing now?) got there start. Nick Cannon and Amanda Bines also got their start being featured on the show.

So now that I’ve given you a small background on the show…a regular sketch that was featured on the show was a character called “Baggin’ Saggin’ Barry”. Barry would wear extra large clothes and pull out ridiculous items out of his over sized clothing. When I was a kid this shit was hilarious…as an adult…not so much. But I digress…watching this sketch made me think of fashion and how much it’s changed and how drastically. The “Baggin’ Saggin’ Barry” sketch was poking fun of the fact that in the 90’s we were rockin’ over sized everything. I mean I personally can say that if it wasn’t 3XL I wasn’t rockin’ it. My pants would hang half way down my ass and belt was optional. I laugh when I think about getting in trouble for saggin my pants… or how I would wait til’ after I got dropped off to loosen up my belt and go about my day. (Good times!) I mean when we hit the 2000’s the clothes weren’t as baggy but loose fitting. I look at kids today and their extra smedium shirts, their nut suffocating pants, and over sized fitted caps. I just dont get it. Maybe I’m not supposed to get. I’m 27 years old…..I will be damned if I try to fit my big ass in some skinny jeans. Really…if I just rolled up in some damn skinny jeans you’d laugh…

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not hating on the skinny and undersized movement, but it’s not for me. I think it’s when I observe things like this and comment on them is that I feel that I’m getting old. In the same way I’m sure when I was a 16 year old kid rocking a throw back jersey, some shorts long enough to be pants, with three head bands on (yeah, I was that wack!) that someone observed me and wondered to themselves, “Is this what the world’s coming to? I’m too old for this shit!”

I’m gonna keep it short and sweet today world. Have a great day….til next time.




One response

18 05 2010
Maria T.

YOU’RE WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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