Blind Items

2 06 2010

Good morning world. How have you been since I last spoke to you. Hopefully well and my hope is you are all better people today than you were the last time we spoke (not because of me).

So after my last post I got an overwhelming response of calls and text messages. I was consistantly asked, :What got you all angry?” or “What prompted that blog?”, “Do you really use the N-word that much?” (The answer to that is…gratuitously.) My favorite question by far was, “Do you really hate niggas?” (That answer to that is…sometimes.) After re-reading the post I can see that I may have been a bit harsh…(only a bit). Just to let you all know that wasn’t aimed at any ONE particlar person. Like I say time and time again…these are just my thoughts…right or wrong. As long as I am able to spark healthy conversation then I feel that my goal has been achieved.

But enough about that.

I have nothing in particular to write about today..but I feel like because it is my day off that I should use some of me free and available time to update my blog (because I will be busy with your mother later). So I guess I will use this blog to address “blind items” ( I believe that is the term)

So the NBA Finals are starting this week. Ever since the Cavs were eliminated from the playoffs I have only watched two games since. I watched Orlando’s overtime win and I watched Ron Artest go 2 for 9 and hit a game winner. (Ugh!) I think I will actually watch this years Finals. Though I can’t stand either team, I think that there will be some good basketball played…and as a sports fanatic, you have to respect when a good game is being played. Both teams are different from the last time they met in the Finals. But we will see…so if I had to make a prediction, I’m taking Boston in 6. (I can see all my readers who are Kobe fans smirking right now)

Keeping in the same vein of sports relatedness, my boy posted a video of Lebron James playing hypeman for rapper Drake during a concert in Cleveland. My first thought was, “Nigga (there goes that word again) get your big ass off the stage!” My second thought was, “Shouldn’t you be practicing jump shots or something?!?” and my last thought was, “Do you know where your Mama is?” SMH!

Speaking of Drake, his album “Thank Me Later” leaked. Yup, I downloaded it and no I will not be spending my hard earned money to buy the album. I have given it a quick run through listen and well…is it me or do all of his songs sound EXACTLY the same. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy homeboy’s music but I just got that feeling when I listened to it all the way through. I will give it a few more listens before I pass judgement on it.

On the topic of passing judgement, I am judging those parents who let that fat ass Asian 2 year old smoke two packs of cigarettes a day. WTF!?! I saw that video and was in amazement. You see that little fat bastard do al the twirly tricks with his cancer stick (Not gonna lie, I was kinda impressed) But that kids parents are on one. Like my man Ed Lover would say, “C’mon, son!”

Alright that’s enough from me today…I’m about to go grab some breakfast and spend a the day with a lovely young lady (don’t trip, I’ll be by later to see your mom!)




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