Stop, Collaborate and Listen

17 06 2010

Hello world, its been a few. I’m reporting live from my local Starbucks via my Blackberry Tour (which I HATE!) As I stated previously, its been a while since I have posted anything. To be completely honest I’ve had the worst case of writers block that I’ve had in months. I don’t know whether or not it because I haven’t felt inspired to write, I’m stressed, or just been busy. I would venture to say its a mixture of all three of those ingredients. Even still I feel I do my best writing when I am experiencing any one of those symptoms…hmm…moving on.

As I’m sitting here enjoying my chai tea (I’m not a coffee drinker) I can’t help but think I’ve received a lot of advise the past week and a half. I don’t think I asked for any it but it was given. Most of it was sound but I doubt I will use it. Some of it was ridiculous and well…I MIGHT consider it. (Nah!) It kind of got me thinking…why when friends come to us with problems/issues/concerns do we feel the need to have an answer and give advise?

In my specific situations I simply was wanting someone to listen but instead of that I was bombarded with, “This is what I would do…”, “You should…”, or my favorite “If I were you…” My thought process at that point was, “Nobody asked you.”. Why is it we are so quick to speak and slow to listen. Or feels the complete need to give our opnion? I don’t know. It’s a funny dynamic to me. I too have been guilty of doing the same thing.

I don’t know, I don’t have much more to say about it at the moment (plus my fingers are cramping up on this small ass keyboard)

Be you.




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